“But I Don’t ‘Look’ Pregnant…”
“But I don’t ‘look’ pregnant.”
Oof. This is a very common topic I hear in my work with pregnant people, especially with people who have struggled with their bodies throughout their lives.
The first trimester can be such a difficult time.
Other than experiencing food aversions, extreme exhaustion, and nausea, it is also a time where the risk of miscarriage is highest and people feel like their future is still unclear.
Fearing what people think of our changing body in pregnancy is often rooted in something deeper - our core fears.
Maybe it is because you feel you are unloveable if you are not perfect. Or maybe it is because you feel unworthy in a different body size.
If you do, you are not alone. And you do not have to do recovery on your own. Please connect with a therapist and/or dietitian (who specialize in working with eating disorders!) to support you on this journey.
Gaining awareness of food and body judgments (and learning where they came from) is the first part of my course: Finding Peace With Food & Body (During Pregnancy, Postpartum, & Beyond).
If you are interested in learning more about my upcoming course - and how you can participate in my free beta program - click here!