The Importance of the Mind-Body Connection

Mind and body are typically treated as two separate entities. Mental health vs. physical health. Thoughts/emotions vs. physics sensations. However, the mind-body system is *one*.

Just as our minds hold valuable knowledge, our bodies also hold a wealth of information. The body is also wise and, unfortunately, the information it tries to tell us frequently gets dismissed or overlooked.

One of my favorite journal prompts to give people in order to strengthen their mind-body connection is to write letters: one letter from yourself *to* your body, and another letter *from* your body to yourself.

If you have some time this week to sit down with a pen and paper, give these journal prompts a try:

What are things I want to tell my body? Maybe you are holding anger, frustration, disappointment, gratitude, sadness - notice it, and *feel* it.

What are things my body is trying to tell me (I.e., through pains, aches, physical sensations)?

  • This one may be harder to do and I gently encourage you to have patience in this process

  • Maybe your body is having aches to tell you to slow down?

  • Maybe the stomachaches are a sign to engage in self-care?

These letters can be a way to create compassion between the mind and body, as well as can help cultivate a more trusting and loving relationship between these two parts of the mind-body system.

These letters can also be a way to start on your intuitive eating journey. By strengthening our mind and body connection, we can be more in tune with our hunger/fullness signals, and work towards being able to honor our body’s needs without judgment or fear. And, in turn, we are also modeling for our children how to have a healthy relationship with their own bodies. 

Change is still possible, and you are not alone. If you are interested in learning more about my upcoming course - and how you can participate i my free beta program -  click here!


September is Suicide Prevention Month


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