Let’s Talk Perinatal Anxiety (aka PPA)
Symptoms of perinatal anxiety include:
Excessive anxiety and worry
Difficulty controlling the worry (Ruminating, persistent thoughts)
Increased somatic symptom (e.g., muscle tension, heart palpitations, racing heart beat, shortness of breath, GI distress)
Agitation, irritability
Restlessness, inability to sit still, feeling on edge
Poor concentration (which is hard to determine if this is from anxiety or from sleep deprivation/hormones)
Easily fatigued, sleep disturbance (also hard to determine during the newborn stage when it feels like the baby is up at all hours of the night)
Perinatal anxiety is also almost equally as prevalent in co-parents/spouses/etc., too!
If you are feeling like you experienced, or are experiencing, perinatal anxiety, you are not alone.
Please check out Postpartum Support International at https://www.postpartum.net/ to find resources and support.